Page 57 - עלון הנוטע ינואר 2020 מרעין בישין ומזיקים
P. 57
ןישיב ןיערמ
53 ׳מעמ ףוס - דלש ירבונ
questionnaires )of 35 sent in total(. The questionnaires included
the following three points: )i( “rank your level of acquaintance
The importance of woodborer pests in fruit with the borer )0-4(”; )ii( “based on your knowledge indicate
plantations in Israel; the perspective of the level of economic importance of the borer )0-4(” and )iii(
plant protection specialists “based on your knowledge, rank the effectiveness of the borer’s
management )0-4(”. The questionnaire covered 13 species, six
Zvi Mendel, Alex Protasov / Dept. of Entomology, Institute of Plant indigenous beetles borers, Cerambyx dux, Chlorophorus varius,
Protection, ARO, The Volcani Center, Rishon LeTsiyon, Israel Capnodis tenebrionis, Capnodis carbonaria, Apate monachus
Shahar Samra / Dept. of Diagnosis and Identification of Pests and Amphicerus bimaculatus; three indigenous carpenter worms
and Diseases, Plant Protection and Inspection Services, Ministry Zeuzera pyrina, Paropta paradoxa and Synanthedon vespiformis
of Agriculture and Rural Development, Rishon LeTsiyon, Israel and two invasive beetle borers that have established in Israel,
Batocera rufomaculata and Rhynchophorus ferrugineus. We
During the last 20 years, the importance of both Coleopteran and added two species of long horned beetles that may invade Israel
Lepidopteran stem or wood-borers has been increasing in Israeli in the recent future, Anoplophora glabripennis and Anoplophora
fruit orchards. This trend has intensified considerably with the chinenis. The survey indicated that most of the examined borer
tendency to reduce the use of synthetic insecticides, mainly due species are not well known by the local plant protection specialists
to the banning of compounds with a significant knock down effect. )<3(, their importance was ranked at approximately ~ 3 and ~ 4
The objective of the present work was to evaluate the perception only for the leopard moth Z. pyrina and the red palm weevil R.
of local plant protection specialists in regards to this group of ferrugineus. High level of effective management was ranked only
pests. Data were compiled during 2019 from 27 answered for the two latter borer species. n
2020 ,ד”ע הנש ’עטונה ןולע‘ 57 ‘Alon Hanotea’ vol. 74, 2020