Page 44 - עלון הנוטע ינואר 2021 בעיקר הגנת הצומח
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הדולחה תירקא לש תיגולויב הרבדה - 31 ׳מעמ ךשמה
                 47: 399-409.                                                                                   תורפס
               7. Bounfour M., McMurtry J.A. (1987): Biology and ecology   1. Maoz Y., Gal S., Argov Y., Domeratzky S., Coll M., Pa-
                 of Euseius scutalis (Athias-Henriot) (Acarina: Phytosei-  levsky E. (2016): Intraguild interactions among special-
                 idae). Hilgardia 55: 1-23.                            ised pollen feeders and generalist phytoseiids and their
               8. Ferragut F., Garcia M.F., Costa C.J., Laborda R., Mari   effect on citrus rust mite suppression. Pest Management
                 F.G.,  Comelles  J.C.  (1987):  Influence  of  food  and   Science 72(5): 940-949.
                 temperature  on  development  and  oviposition  of  Eu�  2. Ferrero M., Gigot C., Tixier M.S., Van Houten Y.M., Kre-
                 seius stipulatus and  Typhlodromus phialatus (Acari:   iter S. (2010): Egg hatching response to a range of air
                 Phytoseiidae).  Experimental  and  Applied  Acarology   humidities for six species of predatory mites. Entomolo-
                 3: 317-329.                                           gia Experimentalis et Applicata 135: 237-244.
               9. Warburg S., Inbar M., Gal S., Salomon M., Palevsky E.   3. Porath A., Swirski E. (1965): A survey of phytoseiid mites
                 Sadeh A. (2019a): The effects of a windborne pollen pro-  (Acarina: Phytoseiidae) on citrus, with a description of
                 visioning cover crop on the phytoseiid community in cit-  one new species. Israel Journal of Agricultural Research
                 rus orchards in Israel. Pest Management Science 75(2):   15: 87-100.
                 405-412.                                            4. Palevsky E., Argov Y., Ben David T., Gerson U. (2003):
               10. Adar E., Inbar M., Gal S., Doron N., Zhang Z.Q., Pa-  Identification and evaluation of potential predators of citrus
                  levsky E. (2012): Plant-feeding and non-plant feeding   rust mite. Systematic and Applied Acarology 8: 39-48.
                  phytoseiids: Differences in behavior and cheliceral   5. Warburg S., Gafni R., Inbar M., Gal S., Palevsky E., Sa-
                  morphology. Experimental and Applied Acarology 58:   deh A. (2019b): Climatic and cultivar effects on phyto-
                  341-357.                                             seiid species establishment and seasonal abundance on
               11. Warburg S., Yahyaa M., Lahav T., Medina S., Freilich   citrus. Acarologia 59(4): 443-455.
                  S., Gal S., Palevsky E., Inbar M., Ibdah M. UV-Induced   6. Argov Y., Amitai S., Beattie G.A.C., Gerson U. (2002):
                  Citrus Resistance to Spider Mites (Tetranychus urticae)   Rearing, release and establishment of imported preda-
                  (submitted).                                         tory mites to control citrus rust mite in Israel. BioControl

                                                                               םיקיזמ תרבדהל הקוריה ךרדה - 34 ׳מעמ ךשמה

               The green way to eradicate                            Microbial control agents (MCA) refer to pathogenic micro-
                pests in agriculture                                 organisms or their direct products, capable of infecting

               Dana Ment / Corresponding author                      and reducing arthropod pest populations and being eco-
                                  logically sustainable. Our aim is to increase the integra-
               Nitsan Birnbaum, Victoria Reingold, Jayashree Ra-     tion of MCA in a pest management system in various ag-
               makrishnan, Libat Rachel Yashar / The Robert H. Smith   ricultural and horticultural environments in Israel, includ-
               Faculty of Agriculture, Food & Environment of the Hebrew   ing plantations, orchards, field crops and greenhouses.
               University of Jerusalem                               The research in our lab combines basic research on host
               Chandrasekhar Kottakota, Ravindran Keppanan, Malka    arthropod-pathogen interaction and applied research on
               Goldenberg, Sabina Metbeev, Liora Salame, Franziska   MCA  production  and  formulation  technologies.  We  ex-
               Grzegorzewski, Eden  Yossef,  Yaara Livne, Noa Levy,   pect that by intense research and successful field exper-
               Alex Protasov, Michael Davidovitz / Institute of Plant Pro-  iments the global trend in development and application
               tection, Volcani Centre, Agriculture Research Organization  of MCA’s will be adopted in Israel as well.

                                            2021 ,ה”ע הנש ’עטונה ןולע‘   ‘Alon Hanotea’ vol. 75, 2021
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