Page 34 - עלון הנוטע ספטמבר אוקטובר 2021
P. 34

)33 ׳מעמ ףוס( תיגולויב הרבדה
                                                               plants in Homestead, Florida, in June 2018, few individuals
                                                               of parasitic wasps (Encyrtidae) were collected: Acerophagus
          Biological control of the                            papayaae and Anagyarus loecki, known as primary parasitoids
          papaya mealybug in Israel                            on the papaya mealybug, and  Cheiloneurus sp., probably
                                                               a hyperparasitoid on A. loecki. In September 2018 a small
                                                               rearing of A. papayae was established in Homestead and in
          Zvi  Mendel, Alex  Protasov  /  Institute  of  Plant  Protection,   January 2019, approximately 100 mealybug mummies were
          Agriculture Research Organization, Volcani Center, Rishon   sent from Florida to Israel. The first field releases in papaya
          LeZion, Israel                                       net houses in the Western Galilee, under appropriate permits,
          Rita E. Duncan, Daniel Carrillo / Dept. of Entomology and   were conducted in June 2019. In August 2019 parasitism rate
          Nematology, University of Florida, Tropical Research and Ed-  in both papaya net house and the open fields reached 95-
          ucation Center, Homestead, Florida, USA              99%. Less than a year after the first release of A. papayaae
                                                               complete control of the mealybug has been achieved. Obser-
          The  papaya  mealybug,  Paracoccus  marginatus  Williams  &   vations on this biological control system suggest that A. pa�
          Granara de Willink was accidentally introduced into a net   payaae successfully endures the high summer temperatures
          house complex of papaya Carica papayaa in the Carmel coast   of the net houses as well as the low outdoor temperatures
          of Israel, probably in 2014 and was discovered a year lat-  during the winter of the Coastal plain of Israel.
          er. This was the first record of occurrence of the mealybug
          in the West Palearctic region. Until early 2019, well estab-
          lished mealybug populations were discovered in papaya net-
          ted plantations and outdoor vegetation in the Carmel coast,
          Western  Galilee,  and  the  Southern  coastal  plain  of  Israel.
          As  expected,  this polyphagous  mealybug  infested various
          plant species, whereas extremely high populations occurred
          mainly on papaya, Hibiscus rosa�sinensis and its other Hi�
          biscus spp., Jatropha spp. Morus alba, Plumeria rubra and
          Sapium sebiferum. Avocado trees infested by the mealybug
          were observed in the Carmel coast and Western Galilee. The
          papaya mealybug has been fortuitously attacked by various
          species of predators, mainly ladybirds such as Cryaptolaemus
          montrouzieri, Scyamnus spp. and Hyapraspis spp. (Coleoptera:
          Coccinellidae), as well as lacewings such as Chryasoperla car�
          nea and  Syampherobius sanctus (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae
          and Hemerobiidae, respectively). However, these predators
          were observed only in outdoor locations and on plant species
          other than papaya. Seeding releases of C. montrouzieri from
          mass production on the citrus mealybug, and those collected
          from wild conspecific populations that developed on prickly
          pear infested by the cochineal Dactyalopius opuntiae, failed to
          establish on the papaya mealybug colonies on papaya plants.
          From small colonies of papaya mealybug detected on papaya

                        2021 רבוטקוא-רבמטפס ,ה”ע הנש ’עטונה ןולע‘  34   ‘Alon Hanotea’ vol. 75, September-October 2021
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