Page 54 - עלון הנוטע דצמבר 2020 ליצ'י ומנגו
P. 54

39 ׳מעמ ףוס - שדח תוירטפ לטוק
                                                               the triazole difenoconazole + essential tea tree oil (TTO),
          A novel Hybrid Fungicide for                         against scab in field-grown apples and against mycelial
          the control of Apple scab                            growth of V. inaequalis in vitro. Regev was most inhibitory

                                                               to mycelial growth than difenoconazole alone or Orpan
          Moshe Reuveni  /  Shamir  Research  Institute,  University
          of Haifa, Katzrin, Israel; STK, bio-ag technologies, Petah   (tebuconazole + captan). Twenty-four isolates of V. inae-
          Tikva, Israel                                        qualis collected from infected leaves or fruits from apple
          Lior Gur, Keren Levi / Shamir Research Institute, Univer-  commercial orchards varied in their sensitivity to difeno-
          sity of Haifa, Katzrin, Israel                       conazole. Regev improved the inhibition of the isolates
          Amotz Farber / Shahaf, Kiryat Shmona, Israel         and  mainly  of  the  less  sensitive  isolates  to  difenocon-
          Aviad Shachar / Tarsis, Petah Tikva, Israel          azole, which resulted with reduced the resistance level to
          Jose Luis Henriquez / Faculty of Agronomical Sciences,   difenoconazole. Foliar applications of Regev in field trials
          University of Chile, Santiago, Chile                 were highly effective and provided better disease control
                                                               than difenoconazole alone and similar or superior to other
          Scab, caused by Venturia inaequalis, is an important dis-  synthetic fungicides or fungicidal mixtures. These findings
          ease of apple. The fungal pathogen infects leaves, buds,   suggest  that  Regev  can  be  applied  effectively  against
          blossoms and fruits and can reduce the quality and yield.   scab disease and can be used as a strategic approach in
          Disease control is based on fungicide applications in rela-  fungicide resistance management, including in orchards
          tion to phenological stage and rain events. Here we report   in which loss of sensitivity to difenoconazole  has been
          on activity of Regev, a new hybrid fungicide containing   detected. n

              םיפסונ םיטרפל                                 רלסט תולתשמו תוריפ
              רשק ורצ ינטרפ ץועייו
              052-3954695 המלש                                        2021 ץיקל תונמזה םילבקמ
              050-5444322 רמתיא                                                      הטימשה ירחאלו

                                                                  ר'גנל'צ ,לאו הלאג :*םישדח חופת ינז

                                                                          :*םישדח הנירטקנ קסרפא ינז
                                                                          טיינוזמא ,ריפז ,ןירוא ,לטסירק

                                                                PI80*, Pajam 2 :ללוכ חופת תונכ ןווגמ

                                                              *סיוויד 'נואמ תררובמ הטלילופלטב :סגא

                                                                      המיסקמ ,MM102 ,בלהמ :ןבדבוד
                                                                     ןסנה ,677 :דקש ,הנירטקנ ,קסרפא

                                                                         ןשייטס ,תררובמ הנאירמ :ףיזש

                                                                     ןוזירפ ,'גיטרוו :*םישדח שמשמ ינז

                                                                                                טנטפ ינז*

                                      2020 ,ד”ע הנש ’עטונה ןולע‘  54   ‘Alon Hanotea’ vol. 74, 2020
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